

I'm sorry! I didn't know you were coming back for Christmas!! Here, classes go until the 23rd, so I guess I just assumed... So I guess that, gosh darn, we'll just have to have another time of merriment in order to see you. ;-)

In other news, I have just remembered the existence of the 90s dance song "The Real Thing." Anybody else remember that one? It's gonna be in my head all day now, I swear...

So I went Christmas shopping yesterday. Got gifts for Joyce and Jenilee. Realized that I'll have to do a remarkable amount of my Christmas shopping at a wine store (Peter's parents, among others). I'm making Peter come with me because, while I can tell you a good wine for a reasonable price, I have no idea what kind of wine they like.

Oh! Did I mention what I got my sister's dog for Christmas? I got him dog treats from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory! They come in a tin shaped like a bone. ^_^ It's going to be a little expensive to ship, but I couldn't resist.

Hmmm... It's been a nice, slow Friday morning here. Read paper, ate bagel, drank latte... :-) Am now petting dog. I feel much better than I did yesterday, when I ate a bunch of sweets (Jenilee gave me a bunch of Chirstmas baking) and then crashed and felt horrible. They were really good sweets, though. ^_^

ETA: Okay, so I just noticed that I have two comments from my post on the tenth that I hadn't read. Doug, apologies, you did indeed tell me you were coming back. And I guess John-if-you're-still-in-the-country has in fact left for Australia. Which is too bad, but now I feel less bad about now having an e-mail address for him (his ualberta account has been deactivated).

1 comment:

Jo said...

I'm pretty sure that Doug is not just coming back for Christmas. I'm pretty sure that he is coming back, period!
And can someone send me John's email address, and tell me how long he's going to Australia for?????