
Oooh... Mi Estomago!

Vaguely drunk. Apple cider butterbeer has been the biggest hit. Some people like it with more cream, others with less. I personally actually like the rootbeer one, but it doesn't taste like what butterbeer supposedly should taste like. Also vaguely sick to my stomach.

Ku and Kaitlyn couldn't make it, so it was just the four of us plus Jenilee and Pri4Q and Morgasm at Darriens. We had too much food. Jenilee did not come back to Peter's, so she is currently missing out on Liquid Crack. Cheryl has never played this before. It's amusing watching her fumble. ^_^

Peter and I will be having lunch with Kaitlyn tomorrow, though, so we'll still get to see her. Also, and this totally made my day: Peter's family is going to come to my place for Christmas dinner!!!!!!! It would have just been me, my parents and my brother otherwise, and just Peter, Dave and Andy for them, so we combined our merriment. ^_^

Anyway, MY turn for liquid crack!!! And I put too much Schnapps in this milk butterbeer, but it's still yummy. ^_^

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