
I Miss You!

Peter mentioned tonight how a bunch of Dave's friends meet at this guy Zach's place, and I remembered how we always had people over here. So I suggested we have a Christmas party. Then I realized that y'all are big losers, going off and having lives and whatnot, and thus not being around. So Joanne, Eric, Doug, Katilyn, Sean and Jere, I blow raspberries at you!

But for those who are around and I just don't get to see very often (Pri, Morgan, Angela, John-if-you're-still-in-the-country, I'm looking at you), give us a shout if you want to get together. I had suggested a Christmas baking potluck gathering. Sometime after the 21st would be best, since Peter's writing term papers until then (sucker!), and Kaitlyn gets in on the 22nd and it would be cool to have her around, too.

But, yeah, we'll see if anybody's interested. And I send Christmas hugs all around, even if you have gone off and left me here. ;-p


Anonymous said...

Uh, as it happens, I'm actually moving home at Christmas.


Alyssa said...

John went to Australia on Sunday and Sean isn't home until February.